Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mommy Takes a Vacation

So the other week, I got really sick. I don't know what I sniffed or licked on my walk but Mommy went out for an hour and by the time she came back my face was swollen to twice the size and I had hideous welts all over my body. I could barely see, my eyes were all squished up! Mommy took me to the hospital and they shaved my arm and put in an IV and gave me all sorts of shots. Five hours later, I was all better and looking fine as ever. I had to go back again to the hospital later that night though because my hives came back on my face, but they gave me one last shot. And I've been good ever since.

Anyways, Mommy said she had enough of the doggie drama so she flew to Florida to see Grammy and Grandpa. Which means Daddy Mike is taking care of me!! Yeay! This is a picture of the rib bone that Daddy Mike brought home for me one day. He got it from some rib restaurant, and boy did it taste good. But I think Daddy Mike got in trouble with Mommy for giving it to me. Then Daddy Mike took it away after I tried a bunch of times to bring it on to the couch. Oh well, I still got to lick most of it. Yummy.


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