Monday, February 27, 2006

My friend Chyna

This is my friend Chyna, another very pretty weimareiner. The first picture is her official headshot taken on the beaches of Malibu. They almost put it in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, except she's naked and not wearing a swimsuit, so they had to shelve it. She's a little out of my league though.

Here's a picture of the two of us in her daddy and mommy's kitchen--Auntie Bree and Uncle Gabe to me. I am whispering in her ear about how we plan on sneaking the six pack of Coronas back up to her room. Unfortunately our plan was thwarted by Hank the cat, who ratted us out. But we weren't mad because every year Hank has to get his annual lion cut and we can make fun of him endlessly for that.

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