Wednesday, March 22, 2006

LA Traffic Sucks

Me and Mommy were bored in traffic one day so I threw the camera at her and said, "Take some pictures of me." So she snapped this one. This is my "Gandhi Face." See, I am looking out the window and seeing all this smog and environmental destruction and it is too much to bear so I close my eyes and hope it all goes away. Haha, I am good, no?

Japanese Pudding

I would normally title this post My Friend Pudding but I don't know Pudding and Mommy doesn't know Pudding's mommy. This is what happened. My Uncle Mutsie (aka Matt) is working in Japan building skyscrapers or financing tall buildings or something. And he was skateboarding around Harajuku when he came across a cute girl named Ayumi, who was wearing yellow patent leather shoes and walking Pudding.

Mutsie knows all about me and my blog and so he snapped a picture. And boy am I glad he did! Ayumi works in a doggie fashion store which is why Pudding looks so good. She is the original Harajuku dog!

When Mommy was out getting me some more kibble the other day I learned how use her photo printer. I have since printed Pudding's photo and I stuffed it under the mat in my dog house to look at from time to time. Ahh..Tank and Pudding. Pudding and Tank. Mrs. Pudding Tank.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dog Park Days

Mommy and I went to the dog park. I was on my best behavior until it was time to go. Then the bulldog in me came out and I refused to get in the car until Mommy came over and picked me up. (Note to self: Put on more weight.)

Master Blogger

Mommy took this picture of me at "work." I am wearing my magical thinking blankie that lets me come up with such creative blog posts!

I'm a Lucky Dog

Mommy came back from Florida and I was soo excited to see her. I didn't really think I would miss her but as soon as I saw her again, I went crazy. I jumped into Mommy's lap and started licking her then I ran around the room four times in excitement. Then I had to go wee-wee.

Me and Mommy have spent a lot of quality time together. We go on long walks catching up on what happened over the past two weeks. Then we went and saw all my friends in her neighborhood, including Buttons, and today we went to the dog park. So it's no wonder I am so tired. Here I am passed out on Mommy's bed. Yes, that's my pillow. I never go to sleep without it.