Friday, July 28, 2006

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

So I have fully recovered from the thorn in my paw. Long story short, after I ripped off the bandage, my paw got a little infected. So Mommy and Daddy Mike took me to the hospital where they had to perform a mini-surgery on my paw. I don't remember much because I went under anaesthesia but I don't think it hurt too bad. I did have weird dreams where I was taking Mommy and Daddy on walks and yelling at them whenever they talked too loud. Funny!

Mommy was especially worried because she was leaving in two days to go to NYC for a while, so she wanted to make sure my paw was ok. And I am happy to report it is. See? You can hardly tell that I had a big red bump in between my "fingers." I got anti-biotics which Daddy Mike mashes up in my food. Now I'm back to jumping all around and up and down, which is a good sign but drives Daddy Mike crazy. Whee!!

So since Mommy is away I decided to post some funny and not-so-funny pics of me.

This is me right before I had to go to the hospital. I was trying to sleep but Mommy likes to take naptime pictures and she was all worried she would never see me again.

This is me and Daddy Mike doing what we do best, lounging on the couch. Mommy is sooo lucky we are so cute when we are asleep.

This one is soo funny. Sometimes when I'm bored I like to hang out on the table behind the couch. And we all know I sit funny but I squinted when Mommy took this picture. Haha, I look like I am doing something I shouldn't!

And lastly, I have an underbite and sometimes one tooth likes to poke out. Mommy calls me Snaggle Mouth when it does, but I think I look tough! Grrr!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Old Thorn in the Paw Story

So this is me with a bandage on my foot. I got a thorn stuck in my paw (no joke) last week and Mommy took me to the vet to pull it out. I don't know why I needed to go to the vet. I mean, I wasn't limping. I didn't even notice it was there. Anyways, three people had to hold me down while Dr. Abalos pulled it out. It hurt like hell and I yelled really loud when she did it. (Actually, Mommy said it was more like an alien noise).

So they bandaged me up using pink gauze! Jeez, how humiliating. But what was worse is that the next day I was all set to attend a French Bulldog party in Huntington Beach in honor of Bastille Day. But with the bandage I didn't know if I would be able to go. Luckily, Mommy and Daddy Mike felt real bad for me and they took me anyways.

It was a lot of fun, except we were all on leashes and I had to be carried a bit. Still, I got to see all sorts of frenchies in all different colors. Mommy and Daddy Mike spied some baby frenchies and kept asking me if I wanted a little brother but I said no. I'm not sharing with anyone!

Mommy took at least 50 pictures. Then later that night when she was out with some friends she deleted them all by accident cause she's a big drunk.

So we don't have pictures to show you from the party. I got so mad at Mommy about this I ripped off my bandage yesterday. Haha, that'll show her.