Thursday, May 18, 2006

Best Friends Forever

I didn't really know how I would feel when Luke was born. I mean, I was the baby and the cutest and everyone gave all the attention to me. So when Uncle Jordan brought him home I was a little upset. The kid weighed like 3 pounds and had these big eyes and would lick anyone who touched him. He was just too darn cute. But now he's starting to grow up and even though he's still cute, I am starting to like him more.

We had a two day sleepover and at first he was trying to take this big bone Mommy bought for me. Luke and I fought it out all night for that bone but then Mommy regulated and said we could each have an end of it to chew on. Which we did. And I admit it was pretty fun. Then we passed out from exhaustion. I wouldn't give up my spot on the couch but when Luke left I was a little sad. Yet, I still think I am much cuter. I mean, I have blonde eyelashes for chrissakes!